Kuper wish list
- Fix Pushin
- If you MouseJog the Virtual axes, the Pushin stutters
- If you right click the Pushin button, a dialogue box would allow you to slew a relative distance.
- Pushin should display relative position from "home"
- Pushin Pan and Tilt would operate in "local" space
- Kuper to Houdini serial streaming.
- Object handle declarations should be easily retransmitted from within Kuper
- Multiple serial ports should be selectable from within the SE command, i.e. COM1 for frame #, COM2 for positions
- https://www.x-plane.com has some single object serial streaming conventions. Perhaps Kuper could stream those
formats as well.
- Real-time axes math, similar to your motion base work.
- Comment line
- Comments can be written into a comment buffer at any time using a EC command (edit comment).
- Comments can read/write into both ASCII and binary Kuper files
- Comments should start with "#", NOT "//". This allows compatibility with C shell scripting
and TCL.
- TechnoCrane virtual mode
- When in Mechanical Concepts Rotating boom nut, arm length should be allowed to change.
- Arm length should be allowed to change when using Data logging kinematics (i.e. Technocrane Data Logging)
- Z lens offset is set in Nodal parameters, but it would be nice if this figure could be variable with focus
nodal point movement.
- Non applicable parameters in the nodal parameters window should be greyed out, (i.e. if the model offset is
turned off, the offset values should be greyed.)
- ASCII save in CGI native formats. This is alot of work for you, and DD already has UNIX converters. Your other
customers may need it, though.
- When importing a linear ASCII move in Input File Centered Blur, the last frame drops off to 0. Seems
okay in Centered Shutter Closed
- GoToStart, GoToEnd and GoToFr# should tell the operator where the motor destination position will be. This
will avoid crashing.
- Velo should be real velocity in units/sec in both the Main screen and in the graph editor.
- A stepper driven camera should be able to be rolled at anytime, and then later have the move start up in phase
with the camera. Requires alpha testing at DD.
- Velocity encoding should have speed limits.
- When encoding focus, when you move into Playback, the focus puller's encoder distance marks get out of sync.
Kuper should remember the encoder's "home" at all times.
- Redistribute command should also redistribute keyframes, as well as the move itself.
- Semi-closed loop stepper work.
- Windows long file names
- Timecode audit should be a channel on the main screen which would go into record or playback (now it is hidden
away on ch#57 which can be seen on NU, but not on Tables or Parallel axes.
Older list
Mars Kuper needs
- Serial to CGI good, but needs update declaration
- Fix Pushin, Right click Box for GoTo Pushin position
- Real-time Add
- TechnoCrane virtual modes
- ASCII save in CGI native formats
- IC command has variable delay before firing Perception
- GoToStart says where it is going to
- Finish SIIG dual serial out scheme
Virtual axes
- Three additional synthetic modes should be available. TechnoCrane and Vampire modes and over/under.
- Data logging should have TechnoCrane, as well
- Non applicable parameters in the nodal parameters window should be greyed out.
- Quaternion functions should be available.
- Plug ins should be available.
- When using the GoToStart, etc, Kuper should display what the actual position that the preroll will bring the
axes to.
- Velo should be real velocity
- A stepper driven camera should be able to start at anytime and have the move later start up in phase.
- The IC command should allow a variable delay before the CapOut to the Perception is fired. The present delay
is 1 millisecond, which fires the PVR early.
- XY graphs should be keyframable (like LightWave, Illuminaire, etc.) along with a velocity
- Windows NT 4.0 would allow LightWave, etc to reside in the same chassis and OLE.
- Standard Windows "cut, paste and paste special" operations should be possible.
- AxesMath should be procedural, with history.
- Real-time "adds" of encoded data to previously keyframed data should be possible.
- Velocity encoding should have limits.
- Genlock should be possible at harmonics of the input sync signal. For example, a video signal would come in
at 29.97fps; the move should be genlocked at 3.74 fps. 24fps cameras should genlock to a 29.97 video input with
a divide by 4/5th mode.
Save and Load
- Comment lines should be embedded in the file. The comment could be entered at any time with an EC (enter
comment) command, not just when saving.
- # In ASCII files at tail for comment
- MKDIR from within Kuper, DOS shell
- Kuper should read and write moves in the native format of other CGI systems.
Houdini/Kuper needs
- Conversion of the Crow kuper2lw, prisms2kuper, etc. TCL scripts into NT scripts or C++ programs
- CHOP for Kuper streaming position serial input into NT Houdini
- Methodology for motion control shots with 2D Z translation added in post.
- Bitchin' "Boomerang" scripts written for Houdini.